Chair of UK Police Memorial Condemns Desecration of Brave PC’s Tribute

Sir Hugh Orde, Chair of the Police Arboretum Memorial Trust, has tonight condemned the desecration of PC Palmer’s memorial in London.

Sir Hugh said: “I am deeply saddened by reports that a man who was at today’s protests in London desecrated the memorial to PC Keith Palmer outside Parliament. Such behaviour is utterly reprehensible and the vast majority of the public who took this brave officer to their hearts will be appalled.  PC Palmer paid with his life to protect our democracy and freedoms.

“Nothing  can justify the behaviour of this individual. I am heartened that the man’s actions have been condemned by the Prime Minister, Home Secretary and other politicians.

“Since the founding of the Bow Street Runners in 1749, thousands of brave men and women have put their lives on the line to protect us.  They all deserve to be respected and honoured.”

About Chris Webb